
Main location
Polo Scientifico di San Miniato
Via Aldo Moro, 2, 53100 Siena


Department administrator:
Antonella Di Bello
tel. +39 0577 235480 

Opening hours of the Administration Office 

Mon and Wed 11.00-13.00

Tue and Thu 9.00-12.00

Fri 11.00-13.00

Tel: +39 0577 235480-5267
Students and courses administration office
- complesso didattico - floor 0
Person in charge:
Sabrina Borgheresi 
Tel: +39 0577 235604
Opening hours

Mon 09,00 - 13.30
Tue 14,00 - 15.30 by appointment

Wed 09,00 - 13.30

Thu 14,00 - 15.30
Fri   9.30 - 12.30 by appointment

To make an appointment send an email to with the motivation and a valid contact.
ATTENTION: is possible to fix an appointment only for: enrolments, request of transfer, graduating application, request for thesis internship, degree certification, disability.

Phone helpdesk

Every day 12,00 - 13,00;

tel. +39 0577 235525



Location: Via Mattioli

Unisi Botanical Garden and Herbarium

Via P. A. Mattioli 4 - 53100 SIENA
tel: +39 0577 235407/9 - fax: +39 0577 232860