Food forensics, microbiological risk assessment and wildlife profiling

The group develops research and innovative multidisciplinary methods having as the main scope the characterization of the varietal/breed composition of food and beverages, including wine. Evaluation of food quality and microbiological risk assessment joins classical techniques to molecular and functional proteomics. The premise of the authentication approach consists in the study of the natural and cultivated resources of agronomical important plant and animal species. The research area responds to the need to verify compliance of products to the legal specifications including post-harvesting entomology. The functional characterization is used for building up specific databanks for the actuation of traceability and authentication plans.

  • Wildlife and agronomical important species and derived-food forensic DNA analyses
  • Food Proteomic analysis, DNA barcoding
  • Microbiological analysis for the evaluation of the hygienic and sanitary quality of food
  • Entomology risk assessment on food and environment
Researchers involved in the activities:
Funded projects

Archeovino - 2007-2011 Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di SIENA

IDENTIFICAZIONE DEL Genotipo della razza suina Cinta Senese - 2007-2009, Amministrazione Provinciale di Siena

Il profilo molecolare identificativo del vitigno della Vernaccia di San Gimignano. Amministrazione Provinciale di Siena 2009-2011.

Winefinger - Agrifood, Regione Toscana, 2014-2016.

Senarum Vinea -2007-2017 Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Tracciabilità molecolare applIcata alla filiera di produzione delle carni e prodotti derivati da suini di Cinta Senese-Amministrazione Provinciale di Siena 2012-2014.

Wine varietal characterization by DNA analysis.  Funded by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, USA 2009-2011; 2011-2013; 2014-2016.

Patents and trademark registration

Kit for Cinta Senese pig breed identification